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Store a global list of scopes that can be enabled per client


This is just a proposal so far, it hasn't been accepted and needs further discussion.

rishabhpoddar, porcellus
Proposed by:

Context and Problem Statement#

We want to add a list of enabled scopes to each client.

Considered Options#

  • Directly store the list of enabled scopes in each client
  • Store a global claim list and reference it in clients

Decision Outcome#

Chosen option: Store a global claim list and reference it in clients

  • Prevents typos


  • As per this decision, there are some reserved scopes, and a default openid scope.
  • The "openid" scope will be allowed by default for all clients without adding it manually (and keeping it if it was added manually)
    • It'll not be added however to tokens/auth codes if the user hasn't requested this scope

Pros and Cons of the Options#

Directly store the list of enabled scopes in each client#

  • Creating and enabling scopes is a single step
  • Store a global claim list and reference it in clients#

  • Prevents typos when creating multiple clients